About Us

About Habitual Excellence

Welcome to Habitual Excellence, where we believe that greatness is not achieved by chance, but through intentional habits that shape our lives. Our mission is to empower and inspire you on your journey towards personal development and well-being.

Our philosophy is grounded in three pillars of health, wealth, and happiness, which form the foundation of a balanced and fulfilling life. Through education, practical tools, and insightful resources, we aim to provide you with the knowledge, inspiration, and community in your own journey of habitual excellence.


Our Core Values

Discipline & Freedom

The relationship between discipline and freedom is a delicate balance between structure and flexibility. We aspire to find that balance.

By setting boundaries and defining life principles, we develop selfcontrol and the ability to make wise choices, promoting the freedom to pursue our goals and dreams.

Too much discipline leads to a lack of freedom and stifles creativity, while not enough discipline leads to a lack of focus and direction, making it difficult to achieve goals.

Authenticity & Transparency

Both authenticity and transparency involve being true to oneself and
openly sharing our thoughts, feelings, and actions with others.

Together, authenticity and transparency contribute to a sense of trust
and credibility in relationships. Being authentic and transparent help
us build self-awareness, self-confidence, and a strong sense of self.

Finding trusted partners that we can be authentic and transparent
with is key to achieving excellence in any area of life.

Minimalism & Craftsmanship

Together minimalism and craftsmanship complement each other in
their pursuit of beauty and functionality. Both are aesthetically
pleasing and highly functional.

Minimalism helps to simplify designs, making it easier for the
craftsmanship to shine through, while the attention to detail and high
standards of craftsmanship help to elevate minimalist design and
make it stand out.

Prudence & Discernment

Prudence and discernment are closely related virtues that help us to make good decisions and act accordingly.

Prudence is the general habit of making good choices, while discernment is the specific skill of discerning God’s voice and guidance in our lives.

One way to understand the relationship between prudence and discernment is to see them as complementary aspects of practical wisdom.